A bioswale is a permanent, shallow landscape depression or channel used to direct stormwater to infiltration areas or engineered containment systems. Bioswales use Low Impact Development (LID) management practices – vegetated swales combine the benefits of organic matter and gravity to physically filter storm water pollutants before they reach streams and natural water resources.
Our organic bioswale mix is a blend of loam, sand, and compost specifically engineered to meet the required infiltration rates and porosity needed for stormwater filtration and enhanced water quality for supporting plant life in bioretention areas. Soiland Organic Bioswale Mix is approved for use in city and state projects requiring best management practice (BMP) established by the EPA for stormwater treatment. Soils Plus also offers custom blended Bioswale mix to meet your specifications for infiltration and percolation rates. Please call or email us for details.